These pictures are but a few of the many walling projects the DSWAC has completed in Canada and around the world, over the last ten years. To see more, please visit our members only section. Membership Information can be found here: Membership Information
Faux ruins constructed completely of dry laid stone using random quarried dolomite quoins and round granite fieldstone from the property. This installation was completed the last week of May 2013 by John Shaw-Rimmington.
Design by John Shaw-Rimmington
The idea for this slanted dry stone wall circular 'niche', designed and principally built by John Shaw-Rimmington for Andrea Hurd of Mariposa Gardening in Berkeley California, came from the client's request ( after having been introduced to John's work), to incorporate some sort of arch into the slanted wall design that John and his crew had by then nearly completed on the Danville property back in 2008. It was difficult for him to come up with a concept of how to form a structural enough opening in such a wall at all (keeping with the slanted dry laid stone theme) but eventually John came up with an idea (and a drawing) that worked in a humped wall with converging angles forming a small moongate which everyone approved of.
Design by John Shaw-Rimmington
This is an original design of John's . Both photos are copyrighted.
photo John Shaw-Rimmington 2004
The idea for this curvy dry stone wall (designed and principally built by John Shaw-Rimmington in 2004) was based on the famous Goldsworthy wall at Storm King, New York. The client commissioned John to create something similar (but with more traditional British vertical coping) to run through a section of his forested property. The photo was taken by John from the roof of the house. There is nothing wrong with taking an idea and doing one's own interpreation of it. There are only two types of walls anyway , straight ones and curvy ones. No one has a copyright on how curvy they can be. Copying a style or theme is consistent with artistic expression and development. However merely reproducing someone else's work without giving them credit or stealing and posting images that someone else photograpphed, without their consent, implying it is all your own work, is dishonourable and illegal. It should be noted these photos are copyrighted.
Landon Bay Park program coordinator John McLeod and his wife Marion pose in front of the arch entranceway to the 'lookout trail' which has recently been constructed during the 2010 DSWAC Rocktoberfest event near Rockport, Ontario in October.
Kay's Bridge in Landon Bay Centre not far from Rockport, Ontario, built on Thanksgiving Weekend 2010 by DSWAC members and walling participants and guests from Great Britain Ireland, the United States and Australia.
Dry stone water feature built near Orangeville Ontario by our DSWAC field director Eric Landman of Whispering Pines Landscaping
Twisted pillars for a fence to support roses. Port Hope 2010
Dry Stone Celtic Cross built during the 2002 Uxbridge Highland Games in Ontario Canada
Dry stone fireplace in Baltimore Ontario. July 2010
Dry Stone Stagecoach House (folly) Anchor Bay California 2008
Royal Ashburn Stone Cairn, 2010
DSWAC 2010 Photo Competition winner Doug Jamieson
Design by Whispering Pines Landscaping/ Eric Landman, waller
Algonquin College Double-Arched Bridge in Perth Ontario, 2010
Captain Cook's Boat, Cornerbrook, Nfld, 2007
Victoria BC, 2009
Blackhouse and wall, Grand Valley Ontario, 2009 — 2010
Celebrating at the end of DSWAC Bruce Bridge Workshop, 2008
DSWAC 'Lyngso Stone' Workshop Arch in Redwood California 2010
Hubb Creek bridge
The dry stone bridge that students and members of the D.S.Walling Across Canada built at Karlo Estates on 561 Danforth Road near Wellington, Ontario in 2007 under the instruction of John Shaw-Rimmington.
Vuk was a great dog. He was a Tibetian Mastiff. Here he is sitting under the arch I had just completed back in 2001. These dogs were originally bred to kill snow leopards and guard temples. We never had any trouble with snow leopards when we had him. He was very pleased when I built him this temple entrance for him to guard on our property in Cannngton Ontario. He basically sat there every day. J S-R
Raised circular patio wall - dry laid with local surface limestone. (Centreton Ontario) This was a rebuild of an earlier wall that someone had not built properly. J S-R
2017 Dry Stone Festival: St. Mark's, Barriefield/East Kingston
Bring the family and watch a heritage restoration of a stone wall. Free dry stone workshops for kids. Tour Barriefield Village and St. Mark's, see the stone carving demos or drop in to the School Museum. There's lots to see and do.

As in other years, there was a special children's walling activity again this year, both days at the Barriefield dry stone wall festival, involving the creating of lots of miniature 'dry pebble' walls, huts, and bridges. Parents were invited to watch, but really, this was a 'Kids Only' part of the festival.

On the weekend of June 10 and 11, volunteers and students taking a unique Dry Stone Walling Across Canada sculpture workshop rallied together to build a commemorative tree at the Ennismore Robert E Young Complex . Read about it on the 'completed events' page
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau returns with Sheldon Lambert, conservation manager with Parks Canada, from a walk along trails at the Landon Bay area near the Thousand Island National Park on Tuesday morning. (Lars Hagberg/THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Who would have ever thought when we were making it back in 2010, that there would come a time Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, would one day step through our Dry Stone Walling Across Canada dry stone arch at Landon Bay Park?
More pictures of DSWAC dry stone projects will be added to this page now and then.