Friday, May 28, 2010 to Saturday, May 29, 2010
A country property near Bethny Ontario
Beginner Seminar
MAY 29-30 Walls Without Gluten Weekend Workshop
The two day dry stone wall workshop in Bethany Ontario turned out to be a unique experience. There was hands-on mortar-free walling and gluten-free eating on Saturday and Sunday.
The meals were scrumptious and completely gluttenless ( though we nearly made gluttens of ourselves) and there was even glutten free beer !

The first day we got the foundations in, and then built up one course of really big boulder stones

On the Saturday evening, there was a special social night at Jill and Dave Brett's with a gourmet gluten-free dinner meal with vegetarian options and an informal music gathering afterwards. Celtic Harpist Debra Northey who played at the Capital Theatre at the 2008 Festival joined us for an evening of music.
She also made three wonderful pies , lemon meringue, apple and raspberry, for everyone . Thanks Deb.

We finished two sections of wall by 3:30 on Sunday

We used stone material collected from hedge rows on the property to build two permanent free standing walls in front of an historic Victorian red brick farmhouse.
The curved garden wall we built shows how random stones can be used structurally to give a beautiful accent to a garden