Monday, March 10, 2008 to Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Vanvouver, British Columbia
Beginner Seminar
Dry Stone Walling Workshops were held in Vancouver BC Canada the second week of March 2008 at NW Stone and Landscape Supply.
Students worked with a nice somewhat flat basalt that is quarried and comes on pallets from Squamish, BC. The stone is expensive but NW tells us they will be getting the random mixed sizes of wall material in bulk (including hearting) to be used for dry stone walling specifically and this will be much less expensive to purchase.
The 2 two-day workshops ended up by completing beautiful walls both over thirty feet long which create a gate to the statue display area.
The third one day weekend class built a small retaining wall with a small opening and arched iron grate as a garden feature.