Sweet Life Farm Dry Stone 'Outdoor Shower' Workshop July 4-5

Saturday, July 4, 2020 to Sunday, July 5, 2020
Madoc Ontario

Once again we offered a dry stone wall and 'sweet' life farm workshop experience. A happening of sorts. A gathering of people with or without walling skills, or even sweet (or sour)  farm life experience, who again (as those who did participate and who enjoyed last years workshop ) got to know, through hands-on working with stones , what it is we can do with stones, that perhaps we never dared to find out before, As well as experiencing one-to-one interaction,  and several-to-several, appreciation for each other, while we enjoyed our building blessings, in a mixed, stone-studded farm environment adventure, students learned how to lay and shape local fieldstones to create an outdoor spiral-shaped dry stone shower together , together! .