Is this some kind of big game trap the hunters have constructed and dug all day to be able to hide in the ground?
Before we begin the next stage of bridge construction and start the vaulted arch we must prepare an area directly under the bridge in the actual creek (there is very little water running this time of year)
We are doing this because at this bridge site the river bed could wash away and undermine the foundations. I have seen this kind of stone 'roadway' below several old arched stone railway bridges in southern Ontario. The stones are laid to form a kind of cobblestone surface.
In our application a bed is constructed by 'pitching' medium sized stones which have all been found on the property and fitted together in rows perpendicular to the direction of the stream.
This kind of stone river-bedding Norman tells us is called 'corrying'.
Does anyone know another proper architectural term for this part of a bridge?
You know there is a big difference between being over the hump and being over the hill.
Yesterday we put all the stones up on the bridge form and completed the arch vault. We all felt exhilarated to be over the hump and a bit tired too but none of us even the older guys felt over the hill.