On April 22 2006 our dry stone wall spring workshop season kicked off with a seminar near Port Perry Ontario at the property of Lynn and Gary Newitt. An equal number of men and women who were all very happy they did not get completely wet, and that it did not rain cats and dogs that day (the way it did pretty well everywhere else in Southern Ontario) were pleased to be able to complete over 30 feet of new dry stone wall under the guidance of DSWAC instructors John and Matthew. The result of their enthusiastic efforts, did not look 'all wet' either. Thanks Gary and Lynn for all the great 'prep work', and the lovely 'presentation' and we do not just mean the great lunch you both provided.
Our gracious hosts for this event have since emailed us with the following:
"Dear John
A few days have passed since the completion of Lacey's wall, built in our back yard during your seminar. We are both absolutely thrilled with the results. Sitting at our dining room table and gazing out the window it is as if a piece of our Irish Scottish heritage has magically appeared there .It gives the yard an air of calm and permanence. Our very own Stonehenge!
During our conversation at dinner on Saturday evening you commented on how tough the day had been, that the stones had not been so 'friendly', their shape especially difficult for amateurs to build with, but what a wonderfully authentic result.
John, the skill and knowledge that you and Matthew displayed was impressive, but your patience and diplomacy were equally important. Your encouragement gave each member of the group the confidence to participate in the construction of the wall, as you shared the joy and passion you feel for your craft. And so I’m sure at the end of the day, everyone left with some small measure of skill and a great excitement about the possibilities.
John and Matthew, our deepest gratitude for working so diligently to create for us, not only an enchanting garden feature, but also a lasting memorial to our much loved Lacey.
Sincerely, from your newest 'friends without mortar' Lynn and Gary Newitt